No. 87/30/29349
Date: November 23, 2008
By His name, the Most High
Dear Ayatollah Yazdi,
With reference to your inquiry letter of Oct. 27, 2008 regarding the interpretation of the first part of Article 69 of the Constitution, we should inform you that the issue was reviewed during a meeting on Nov. 12, 2008 and the Constitutional Council Board of Fuqaha’s interpretive opinion is as follows:
Art. 69 states that the deliberations of the parliament must be open, and full minutes of them made available to the public by the radio and the official gazette. The Constitutional Council rules that it will not apply to cases that include insult, defamation and promotion of vice, and it is against Islamic ordinances. Thus Article 69 is conditioned on the existence of the above-mentioned cases.
Mohammad Reza Alizadeh
Deputy secretary of Guardian Council