News ID: 270
Publish Date: 17 July 2024

Ayatollah Jannati re-elected as secretary of Iran’s Constitutional Council

Members of Iran’s Constitutional Council re-elected Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati as the secretary of the influential supervisory and law watchdog body for another year.

The spokesperson for the council announced on Wednesday that the members have voted for the presiding board and again elected Ayatollah Jannati, 97, as the secretary of the council, which is tasked with vetting legislative and presidential candidates, supervising elections and overseeing the bills passed by the Parliament.

Siamak Rahpeik and Hadi Tahan Nazif were also re-elected as the vice-secretary and the spokesperson for the Constitutional Council, respectively.

The Constitutional Council is a constitutionally mandated 12-member council in Iran that, among other things, is tasked with ensuring the compatibility of the legislation passed by the parliament with the criteria of Islam and the Constitution.

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